Sunday, December 23, 2007

Israel tells Israeli Arabs it time to stop mourning the Nakba (the founding of Israel)

"The celebrations planned to mark Israel's 60th Independence Day have become, as expected, a source of confrontation between the Jewish community, which seeks to foster patriotic feelings and build bridges between its divided populations, and the Palestinian-Israeli community, whose national tragedy it recalls. It is an exact reenactment of the confrontation that occurred 10 years ago, when the celebration of the state's jubilee served as a catalyst and focal point for feelings of mourning and protest, and for designating Nakba Day, which, together with Land Day, became a central date on the Palestinian calendar."

The hypocrisy of the Zionists knows no bounds. The Jews have made the so called "holocaust" into an industry and "holocaust victims" have been pimped like $2 whores for nearly half a century. It's okay for Zionists to run around yelling "never again" to anyone who will listen but Palestinians are supposed to just forget the worst atrocity perpetrated against a people since the destruction of the Native Americans and the African Slave trade.

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