Monday, September 8, 2008

Foxman: Shillin` for Palin and Jews for Jesus

"Abe Foxman is now shillin’ for Sarah Palin. Many of you know that just a few weeks ago Sarah Palin’s church, with her in attendance, welcomed the director of Jews for Jesus into its midst. In his sermon he said, among other hurtful things, that Israelis killed in terror attacks died because of God’s judgment against them for not accepting Jesus. After listening to this hateful nonsense, the Church took up a collection for the group’s deceitful proselytizing among Jews."

1 comment:

messianicmatt said...

I’m a Jewish believer in Jesus. Most bloggers and news services have quoted just one paragraph of the six-page transcript of David Brickner’s message, giving the false impression that he is saying that a bulldozer attack by a deranged Palestinian is God’s judgment on the Jewish people. Please read the entire message for yourself at so that you can see Brickner’s remarks in context.

Among other things, Brickner says, “My mother always told me, ‘Be careful when you point a finger at somebody else, because there’s some pointing back at you.’ And really, Israel has not cornered the market on unbelief. Israel is an example of what all humanity has been saying to God since the beginning of time, shaking its fists at the heavens and saying, ‘You’ll not rule over us.’ And so all of the controversy that we see swirling in Jerusalem is really a mirror that the world looks in to see the controversy within . . . . It’s the dilemma of the human heart.”

Brickner is saying that without forgiveness of sins, which he (and I) believe only comes through Jesus’ sacrificial death for us, there will be judgment – not just for Jews, but for all mankind.

Please take a look at the discussion concerning Mr. Brickner’s message at the Jews for Jesus website,