Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Evilness of Jewish Chosenness

by Andrew Winkler, The Rebel Media Group - July 18, 2007

One of the biggest sources of frustration for human beings is the conflict between their childish need to blindly believe, and the realisation that they are all being lied to, even by those people they most trust. What - as a young child - is sometimes a necessity for survival, to believe, think and act as their parents, family, tribe are telling them, as a grown up often becomes a liability.

It isn’t always as harmless as believing in Santa Claus or the tooth fairy. There isn’t always a well-meaning person around warning not to make a fool of yourself. Believing that you are the prettiest little princess or the bravest and strongest boy on the planet might be cute and healthy for the fragile self-confidence of a young child, but quickly becomes unbearable for everyone else, if not corrected by a sense of reality as a young adult.

If an ethnic group is threatened, oppressed or exploited because of her ethnicity, developing a sense of pride in whatever makes this community different, can be vital for the survival of this group. However if the same community becomes the dominating group, this sense of specialness can quickly develop to a tool of ruthless oppression.

When the combined onslaught of the Vikings and the Mongols destroyed Khazaria, her ethnic Turk inhabitants of converts to Talmudism – the ancestors of today’s Ashkenazi Jews - were dispersed all over Europe. Holding on to their Jewish religion and tradition enabled them to preserve their ethnic identity and - 750 years later - regain statehood, a positive development, had it occured with the approval of the affected native population. The disregard and utter contempt for the rights and humanity of the Palestinian people is the result of a deadly cocktail of traditional Jewish Chosenness, considering themselves as being God’s preferred people, Talmudic racism, considering non-Jews as subhumans that can be killed, exploited and abused at will, and Western military superiority.

While Ashkenazi Jews, for the past two hundred years, have been at the forefront of almost every human and civil rights movement, they are routinely refusing the very same rights to anybody in the way of Jewish greed respectively the consolidation and expansion of the Jews-only state. Such hypocrisy raises suspicion that Jewish advocacy for human and civil rights were always more about protecting Jews from anti-Jewish forces than about protecting universal human values.

Jewish chosenness and supremacism can no longer be ignored. The same beliefs that helped Ashkenazis to survive as an ethnic group, is now threatening everybody else, due to the stranglehold today’s Ashkenazis have over the governments and societies of the world’s most powerful nations. No longer are these governments acting in the interest of their countries but are conducting wars that ruin their own economies, even poison their own troops with depleted uranium, all in the interest of Jewish profits and Israeli expansion.

Jewish Chosenness must be treated as a mental disorder. It is as dangerous for all of us as are schizophrenia and even psychopathy. It is a threat to the very survival of mankind.

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