Saturday, July 7, 2007


What Americans need to know, but don't

The Zionists will try and make the case that there is no distinction between Judaism and Zionism. They want to label you anti-semitic if you criticize any Zionist policy. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Judaism is a religion that has been around for thousands of years, Zionism is an ideology that started in Basel, Switzerland in 1897.

The Zionist movement created the Israeli state. Its essential goal was and is to change the nature of the Jewish people from that of a religious entity to a political movement. From Zionism's inception the spiritual leaders of the Jewish people have stood in staunch opposition to it.

The Torah Jews believe that they have been exiled from the Holy Land by God for sinning and cannot return until the Messianic redemption.


The Torah Jews are staunch opponents of Zionism. A good example are the Rabbis in the Palestine region that protect the Palestinian people from hostile Jewish settlers. Despite what Zionists would like you to believe a large percentage of Jewish people DO NOT support Zionist policies.

Conversely, not all Zionists are Jews. Dick Cheney immediately comes to mind.

Many Zionists are Christian idealists that feel they are on God's side if they support the "chosen people" of Israel. The "chosen people", Jews, are actually not even the modern descendents of the Israel of the Biblical Old Testament:

According to both the early-20th-Century popular historian H.G.Wells and the Hungarian-Jewish intellectual and author Arthur Koestler, amongst numerous others, the people known today as Jews are primarily the descendents of a Turkish tribe known as the Khazars. The Khazars have no historical connection to Palestine. They converted to Judaism between 620 and 740AD, and have no genetic connection to biblical Israel, and hence to the narratives of the Bible and the Holy Land. Koestler actually devoted an entire book called The Thirteenth Tribe (1976 ISBN: 0091255503) to the fact that the Jews of eastern European origin, who are known as the Ashkenazi Jews and who make up about 95% of the Jewish population of today, are of Khazar origin. In other words - virtually all of the Jews of the modern world have no Hebrew ancestry, and no ancient connection with Palestine.

H. G. Wells also wrote a book in 1933 called The Shape of Things to Come, in which he accurately forecast that World War II would start, “out of a conflict between Germany and Poland circa 1939”. In the same book, Wells also wrote that World War III was to commence, “from some future [unidentified] event in Basrah, Iraq.”

Zionism is rampant in the business of elections, enabling the hijacking of the electoral process in America. This industry seems to be laden with Christian zealots intent on Zionist goals. One example is Walden O'Dell, Chairman of the Board of Diebold Election Systems, the second largest company in America, whose business it is to count your vote.

O'Dell recently wrote a letter to Ohio Republicans stating that he was, "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to (President Bush) next year."

Another example of Christian Zionists are Howard Ahmanson and Nelson Bunker Hunt of Election Systems and Software (ES&S). ES&S claims to have counted 56% of the vote in the last four presidential elections. Ahmanson and Hunt have both heavily contributed to The Chalcedon Institute, an organization that mandates Christian "dominion" over the world. Ahmanson is also one of the bagmen behind the extremist "Christian Reconstructionist" movement, which openly advocates a theocratic takeover of American democracy, placing the entire society under the "dominion" of "Christ the King." This "dominion" includes the death penalty for homosexuals, exclusion of citizenship for non-Christians, stoning of sinners and -- we kid you not -- slavery, "one of the most beneficent of Biblical laws."

--Webber March, 2004

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