Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Radical Polish priest issues apology for anti-Semitic remarks

Man, I get so tired of this - ever noticed how zionist Jews can say anything they want about others; they can make false accusations, deride, debase, slander, and make all manner of personal attacks, and its okay. But, when someone, anyone, make a statement that is slightly critical of them, it's anti-semitic and they must apologize - even if what was said is true. Well, anyway, the Priest's so-called apology doesn't sound much like and apology to me. But, if they want to call it an apology - it's an apology.

By Reuters and Haaret Service - July 24, 2007

A radical Polish priest apologised on Tuesday for making anti-Semitic comments as well as calling President Lech Kaczynski a liar and his wife a witch.

Audio tapes released by a Polish magazine this month appeared to capture Father Tadeusz Rydzyk accusing a "Jewish lobby" of trying to extract millions from the Polish state.

In addition, he told students of his outrage at the failure of the ruling Kaczynski brothers to toughen abortion laws -- already among Europe's toughest.

Rydzyk is heard saying the support of the president's wife, Maria, for limited abortion rights amounted to backing euthanasia and suggesting she should first do it to herself.

"I did not intend to insult anybody, particularly the presidential couple of our nation and if anybody felt insulted, I apologise," Rydzyk wrote in a statement published in the daily Gazeta Wyborcza.

Rydzyk added that he does not act against any people on the basis of religion or race.

The Vatican has in the past rebuked Rydzyk for meddling in politics and for the xenophobic statements of his controversial broadcaster Radio Maryja, which is popular among poor uneducated Poles in villages and small towns.

But Poland's conservative president and his twin brother Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the prime minister, have defended the station. Rydzyk's support helped them win 2005 elections.

The release of the tapes prompted the president to urge the Catholic Church to take action against Rydzyk, but the row quickly quietened down. Rydzyk's order has downplayed the importance of his comments.

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