Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Human Paraquats and Progress Both Spring Eternal

by Patrick Grimm - Oct 24, 2007

The human paraquats of Big Jewry have had their way with this country for too long. One of these toxic agents, Norman Podhoretz, a frothing Straussian, told a throng at a Barnes and Noble bookstore to “Shut up!” when the gathered listeners to the dribbling old curmudgeonly neo-convict’s crusty spiel grew tired and disgusted by his calls to murder millions in Iran, all for the partitioned Paraquat of all Paraquat nations, and the terror overclass in both America and the uncomely beast’s Knesset who wants Eretz Israel sweeping from the Nile to the Euphrates, which is very unlikely. “Of course, it’s all to fight the ‘War On Terror’!” the government-media complex will tell all the lemming luckless lackeys, who are more than ready to believe.

Norman Podhoretz and his archfiend Yiddish enfant terribles in the American neo-conservative cartel, those who have the ear and the balls of the President in a kosher jar, are the only people I know who would have the chutzpah to demand that another country fight their wars and dance the jig of death over their enemies. Of course, we know Israel is the problem, organized Jews are the problem and before the colonialism, state terror and spy ring of Irgun, then Mossad, there was nothing that any of these Judases could even point to and say “Thar blow the winds of Islamofascism!” In fact, the very term “Islamofascism” without a doubt had to have been incubated and crafted by Jewish activists, for the egalitarian and antifascist drumbeat heard in the media issues from no other quarters so consistently and reflexively.

Call it neo-conservative or neo-liberal and it makes no difference. Dr. Tom Sunic has so adroitly pinpointed these Americanisms in his own writings and he is correct that this is our Gospel as a Jewish nation. Egalitarianism drips with the honey poured athwart it, day in and day out, from the Jewish engines of regress in the media, while it is a modern truism that nothing is so repugnant and full of ignominy than “fascism” whatever the unpacking of this inflammatory buzz word means at any given and opportune moment. Hence, Muslims resisting Zionist advances are “fascists” and Walt and Mearsheimer who pen the “poison” and crack open Pandora’s Box on the Jewish Lobby are also potentially flirting with fascism and are “anti-Semitic in result if not in intent” to pluck the phraseology of Jewish Harvard President Larry Summers to the bosom of the issue at hand, which is war without end for a state (Israel) that is not worth in its entirety one drop of American blood to pump sustenance into its eternal criminal Ponzi scheme.

There is only one real hurdle for the Jewish paraquatic par redundancies who shape and shift and solder our politics to meet their always needful wills and whims. Like the Podhoretz B & N lecture disaster to promote a book World War IV: The Long Struggle Against Islamofascism by a man who has spent a lifetime recalibrating himself at his own convenience, the cattle are chafing, and actually having the first germinations of a thought process that could actually lead somewhere. They are discovering that the beast is not all-powerful or invincible, that the Goliath of Zionism could yet lose its head literally, as we can plainly surmise that its brain matter (ideological cogency, real or imagined) has begun an atrophy, though this may not make it any more innocuous. For like a rabietic dog, madness does not signify inefficacity, especially when the Other (us) is as wholesale in its otherness as the Jews see Gentiles, both Christians and Muslims, in their pecking order and standing on the uneven plane of Talmudic existence.

Americans at their best, are not battle-fatigued when squared off with the right enemy. The enemies we should be fearing are not Muslims, most of whom live in a subsistence that is Third Worldly in most cases and otherworldly to the average sheltered US citizen nursed on the milk of righteous causes and hyper-moralizing, even when the facts are still out and when they will never bear the brunt of their own Puritan impulses, again as Dr. Tunic has noted, which fit hand-in-glove with the aims of Judaism, now hyper-Zionized and self-crowning in its reign of expansionism.

For all of these reasons, America, more than any other nation-state, is ripe for the picking when the numbers for crusades, either moral or militarily imperialistic, are called. That’s why our support and group hug for Israel seems so natural and our bound-at-the-hipness is so cushy and devil-may-care for the elites. American chosenness and Jewish chosenness makes for inevitable intercourse and I think you can guess who got the real screwing when the rogering thrusts reached their cessation, if they have, as of yet, ceased. The question of who will do the post-romp paying is not an open query either.

Yes, Podhoretz and his coterie have had their way with this country for too long and their bilking ilk have stunted the growth of our garden for much longer than Israel has blemished and pocked the green earth. As he and the Straussian smart boys take the masks off and just say “Oh, the hell with it! Of course this thing was about the Israeli killing machine all along!” it will allow the eyes of the multitudes to open, the horror to spread like margarine across the faces of our everymen and everywomen, who finally see the crimes of Zion, perpetrated and perpetuated as much by our Gentile Self-Chosen Puritans as by the neo-Jacobins, the globalists and the rest. If one should wish to look upon the face of terror, war-like and wanton, then perhaps they will see the smile of the aged and decrepit Trotskyites signing autographs at the book bordello and the black hats with buckles worn weightily by the overseers of the “indispensable nation” worked into a moral frenzy yet again over “democracy” and progress that springs eternal once in a while.

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