Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Dr Strangelove Returns!

by Harry Saloor - Nov 7, 2007

In the early 60s, though you heard about ‘nuclear deterrence,’ ‘mutual assured destruction (MAD),’ ‘first strike capability,’ ‘counterforce,’ ‘second strike capability,’ ‘fail-deadly’ and ‘missile gap,’ there was still optimism in the air. For one thing, the Commanders-in-Chief could still be portrayed as decent guys. For another, most of the Zionist and Nazi Scientists had become US citizens. And Israel had not yet declared its intention to rule the world by proxy. And then, of course, there was Dr Strangelove!

Dr. Strangelove, probably one of the best political satires of all times, satirized the Cold War apparatus ridiculing the comic strip characters who created the doctrine of ‘mutual assured destruction’ and the alphabet soup of terminologies that accompanied the farcical concept of ‘nuclear deterrence.’

In ‘Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb,’ a delusional US Air Force general orders a first strike nuclear attack on the Soviet Union to foil an imaginary Communist conspiracy to ’sap and impurify’ the ‘precious bodily fluids’ of the US Citizens replacing it with fluoridated water, which he believes was the cause of his impotence.

His warmongering buddy, Air Force General Buck Turgidson, loosely based on Air Force General Curtis LeMay character, tries to convince the President to launch a full scale nuclear attack against the Soviets. He believes a first strike against the Soviets would destroy their capability to retaliate effectively. Moreover, he believes the human cost of the US victory is ‘acceptable’ with the collateral (American) casualties of, ‘no more than 10 to 20 million killed, tops…’

In the 2007 somewhat twisted rerun of Dr Strangelove, it’s the commander-in-chief [sic] himself who is ‘running around like a madman with a razor blade in his hand.’ He strikes other countries in his ‘shock and awe’ bombardments on the pretext of his bogus ‘war on terror,’ and dispatches most of his fleet to exotic places throughout the world to threaten other countries [and create strategic footholds, in addition to the existing inventory of 737 U.S. Military Bases throughout the world.] Armed nuclear weapons go missing after ‘routine’ flights across the country. And to top it all, the madman crows about starting WW III.

His reason is no longer just ‘impotence’ caused by the Communists’ fluoridated water [or was it ‘incompetence,’ ‘psychosis’ and ‘derangement’ caused by alcohol and the snowbirds?] In fact he has little to do with anything, except for rubberstamping the ZioCon cabal’s ideologies in his self-proclaimed role as the ‘decider.’

The cabal perceive the ‘Soviets,’ Chinese, Indians, Sunni and Shi’a respectively as strategic, resource-depleting, ecological (polluting) and ideological threats to their ‘last-man-alive-wins’ theology.

In Dr Strangelove the US bomb explodes in Soviet Union triggering the Soviets’ ‘Doomsday Device’ which would guarantee MAD. According to their estimates, life on Earth’s surface would be extinct in ten months. So the mad scientist recommends sending a small numbers of people to deep mineshafts to protect them against the nuclear fallout while they repopulate USA.

See your World War III and raise you by ten mineshafts and ‘20 million killed, tops…’; raise you 50 million killed in Russia, 200 million in china and no collateral damage …

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