Thursday, December 6, 2007

Romney: No religious test for president

"Republican Mitt Romney declares in a speech being delivered Thursday that he shares "moral convictions" with Americans of all faiths, but should not have to explain his own religion just because he's striving to become the first Mormon elected president."

The more significant proposition here is not being addressed. This issue is being discussed in terms of "Christianity" but the real question is, would a "Christian" nation elect a "non-Christian" president? Of course, it may be assumed, at this point in time, that the "non-Christian" president would be Jewish. And, this leads to a much deeper question ~ would a "Christian" nation that holds Jesus as Saviour elect a president that attaches no particular significance to Jesus, and in some cases may deny his very existence?

Perhaps at this point, the "Christians" will finally realize how far apart Christianity and Judaism really is. After all, regarding Jesus, Christianity is much closer to Islam.

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