Monday, December 31, 2007

Israeli army faces new challenges in training officers

A target at shooting practice last week in the Negev for Israeli officer candidates. They were to hit the figure but not the balloon. (Rina Castelnuovo for The New York Times)

"From the army of the people, the Israeli Defense Forces are gradually becoming the army of half the people," Barak said. "A soldier must not feel that when he goes to battle that in the eyes of part of the society he's a sucker."

Not only are the IDF soldiers "suckers" they are also murderers. Which is the real reason Israel is having trouble finding new recruits. The average Israeli know at some future point in time, the IDF will have to answer for the war crimes and crimes against humanity that are perpetrated against the Palestinians in the name of security for a Jewish state. The "army of half the people" Barak spoke about consists of new Ethiopian and Russian immigrants who, in many cases are not Jewish, but are required to serve in the IDF as a consequence of their immigration to Israel.

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