On Friday, presidential hopefuls Barack Obama and John McCain squared off in Oxford, Mississippi, for the first of three presidential debates – and the debate followed that pattern. Following the debate, Real News Senior Editor Paul Jay and Senior Analyst Pepe Escobar shared their collective disappointment with the debate here.
Patriot says tell your friends about the JINGOIST!
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
There can be no doubt about the control the Zionists currently hold over the governments and peoples of Western countries, particularly America and Great Britian. In light of this, I believe it would serve us well to revisit a very important document known as The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
Zionists the world over have raised a continuous outcry for over a century claiming the "Protocols" are the racists ravings of an anti-semitic lunatic. Well, perhaps. But, it has been my experience, that the louder Zionists scream and deny a particular statement or position, the more validity and creditability that statement or position tend to have.
You can read the "Protocols" here. I would encourage you to read the entire document. Then, take a moment to reflect upon the state and condition of the world today.
You be the judge.
Today's Cartoon
Not so cool facts about Israel (Warning! This is frequently removed from YouTube)
Baroness Tonge: "Israel stands accused of war crimes witnessed by the whole world"
Hear the voices of Zionists (remember, the Palestinians are an occupied & defenseless people)
Now, hear a "Jewish" voice - Any Questions?
IDF Soldier: "Palestinians Are Animals"
The real Middle Eastern terrorists
Everything you ever wanted to know about Israel's nuclear reactor but was not permitted to ask
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