Monday, November 5, 2007

OIL prices aren't rising - the US dollar is plummeting!


Oil traders increased BETS that December futures will reach $125 a barrel because of possible disruptions to Middle East supplies and rising demand.

Here we are (us, Americans), day after day, listening to the media tell us all about how "traders" are "trading" oil at ever higher prices because they're a-scared of this shortage or that disruption, or this crisis, or that air strike.

And all the while we watch anxiously, preparing to cut back on our gasoline or dish out more dollars for our commutes.

Well, I have news for you.

When someone "BETS" that something is or is not going to happen and then, based on that bet, buys or sells IOUs for other people's tangible goods, they're not "traders," they're bookies.

They call themselves "traders" because they want to be admired, not despised.

But, two-bit bookies is all they are.

Didn't any of you see the movie "Trading Places" with Eddie Murphy and Dan Akroyd??? Billy Ray will tell you!

We pay higher prices not because of REAL crises or REAL shortages but BECAUSE of IMAGINED shortages, and ANTICIPATED disruptions, many of which NEVER HAPPEN.

In short, we PAY for their rampant hysteria and insatiable GREED.

Traders held call options to buy 2,526 contracts, each representing the right to buy 1,000 barrels, of December oil at $125 in New York as of Oct. 29, from 1 lot on June 29, New York Mercantile Exchange data show. BETS on $100 oil are also surging: Traders held options to buy 49.7 million barrels of December oil at that price on Oct. 30, up from 30 million barrels on Jan. 2.

Crude oil for December delivery rose to a record $96.24 a barrel in New York today, the highest since the futures began trading in 1983. Prices have soared 19 percent the past month as demand pared inventories, a weaker dollar spurred investors to switch into commodities, and political tension in Iran and Iraq attracted speculative buying.

"A few years ago, when triple-digit oil was talked about, it was tempered by negative responses," said Anthony Nunan, deputy general manager of risk management at Mitsubishi Corp. in Tokyo. "Slowly, it's becoming a reality. It's not crazy anymore, it's a reasonable target."

The fact is, these insane spikes in the price of oil have far less to do with supply and demand of OIL than they have to do with the supply and demand of DOLLARS.

With the dollar plummeting down to the pits of hell, people are dumping it left and right.

All that money has to go somewhere - after all, MONEY WAS NOT MADE TO STORE UNDER YOUR COUCH!

These traders know that! So, instead of storing it under their couch, where it just sits there without "appreciating," they "store" it by "buying" something of value (anything but the dollar, which is worthless).

Since the real estate market is officially DEAD and BURIED (because people can defer buying a house), they choose to "invest" their "money" in the types of commodities that they know that people CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT - thus, oil (and food) is perfect (last I checked a gallon of milk was $4).

So, that's what it all boils down to - the price of oil is skyrocketing not because oil is getting more "expensive," but because the dollar is becoming WORTHLESS.

Next time someone tries to convince you that they're "traders," tell them you know better.

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