Thursday, October 11, 2007

Scofield: Soft Leather Outside, Corrupt Inside

Charles E. Carlson - Oct 11, 2007

We Hold These Truths

[A question for Charles E. Carlson:] What do you consider is the most honest truthful Bible interpretation a Christian can read today? Regards, Steve

Dear Steve:

We hear this question a lot, and we are not experts, but this writer has an opinion. There are two Bibles, not one, the Old and New Testaments. They should never have been combined to look like one book. To do so is like publishing a modern 2005 physics book with a 1910 physics edition pasted on in front. Physics has changed in those 95 years, and the Old Testament and the New are thousands of years apart, why would one have to read the old first to get to the new?

If you are a Jew contemplating following Christ, you may need an Old Testament to help you decide if Jesus is really the fulfillment of Biblical prophesy, as He claims. For most of us, the OT should be reference history. Jesus said He fulfilled the old law, if we believe Him we don't need to wade through the ancient 600 laws of Deuteronomy 28 to get there. The NT is about following Christ, and it is only about 250 full-sized pages. It does not contain a coherent thought in it about killing people or making war on your leaders' supposed enemies. You cannot find a verse or line about taking your neighbor's land by force or making a slave out of his children. So read the New Testament first. Its authors will tell you when and where you need to read backwards into history.

As for what edition of the NT is trustworthy, my humble suggestion may surprise you, and I have only read a few. Do not worry too much about which translation you should read. Buy a New Testament that fits your pocket and has big enough print for you. Choose one, if you can find it, without a single footnote or inserted guides between and among the text.

We sell a low priced one called the "Vest-Pocket size New Testament" commonly known as the King James Version (KJV). But I don't personally carry it because I have trouble reading aloud from the old English. I much prefer the Good News New Testament, published by the American Bible Society. Some theologians malign this one, but its footnote free, and it gets the story across in context. It is also very easily understood by children. You can always check and compare the text in your oversized 2000 page King James Version on the shelf at home. Carry this one in your pocket.

A word about the most DISHONEST bible interpretations. We have learned by comparing that several study or reference bibles compete for the bottom of the barrel, including the NIV Study Bible, published by Zondervan and controlled by Australian secularist, Rupert Murdock through his reported ownership of Harper and Row. Mr. Murdock borrowed about $400 million from Citibank to purchase Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network a few years ago, and he owns Fox News (which give the furry animal a bad name).

Similarly devious and cleverly disguised is John McArthur's study bible, which undermines the New Testament. The all time best seller is the Scofield Reference Bible that set a standard for corrupted footnoting when it created a national "sin of anti-Semitism." Between its disarmingly beautiful leather covers are pages that claim it is God's will to judge all nations based on how generous they are to "Jews." This should be called the Zionist's 11th commandment. You will find this amazing law on pages 19-20 of the 1967 Edition.

Most study bibles have a thousand pages of footnotes or more. The Scofield Reference Bible is the unchallenged king of bible corruption, being totally shameless in its sponsorship of Israel as a nation-god. It is the primary textbook for "Christian" enabler of serial wars in the Mideast and the liquidation of Israel's neighbors. You can find Scofield 1967 Editions in used books store, cheap. It proves what the World Zionist Movement wants you to think.

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