Saturday, October 13, 2007

UAE says Israel must submit to nuclear checks

WAM - Oct 13, 2007

New York: The UAE has called upon the international community to adopt a comprehensive and balanced policy with regard to the issue of non -proliferation.

Ambassador Ahmad A. Al Jarman, the UAE's permanent representative to the United Nations, delivered a speech before the general debate of the first committee on disarmament and international security expressing the policy of the UAE on this issue.

In the speech, the UAE called for adherence to the principle of multilateralism in order to achieve the objectives of non-proliferation and disarmament of all kinds of weapons including nuclear weapons.

The UAE hailed the positive manner in which the North Korea file was handled and urged a peaceful and permanent settlement of Iran's nuclear programme which will prevent further tensions and confrontations in the Gulf region.

The UAE also pushed for international efforts aimed at compelling Israel to dismantle and open its nuclear facilities to the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

The UAE called upon all concerned parties to stop providing technical and scientific aid for the development of Israeli nuclear armaments including the decision issued by the sixth reviewing conference of the parties to the Non-Proliferation Treaty of nuclear weapons held in 2000, which called for the establishment of a nuclear-weapons-free zone in the Middle East.

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